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If you need your E M P unit tested or repaired
then give us a call at 1-336-969-0110.
We offer fair estimates and offer a year warranty.

Why to send us your work?
  • 40 years of experience repairing Industrial & Commercial units
  • Certified Senior Industrial Electronics Technician
  • Ability to do Reverse Engineering on E M P units.
  • No job to big or small
  • Fast turn around time on most E M P units
  • Quality of work comes before profit!
  • Old Fashion "Customer is always right policy"
  • 1 year warranty
  • Fair Estimates on all E M P units
  • Low Prices

To have your E M P unit repaired/tested call 1-(336)-969-0110
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To have your Industrial unit repaired/tested call 1-(336)-969-0110

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To send in your E M P unit for repair use the shipping address below.
If possible be sure to use the following Repair Service Order Form when sending in a unit for repair.
We offer special discounts to the military. We offer fair estimates and offer a fair warranty.

Industrial Electronic Repair
931-E S. Main St #204
Kernersville NC 27284
Phone: (336) 969-0110

    If you have any technical questions or wish to offer technical information about any E M P units then fill out the form below.

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    You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
    We are open Monday to Saturday from 9am till 6pm EST
    and yes the technicians & engineers work on Saturday!

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  • Disclaimer: This website is not sanctioned or approved by any manufacturer listed.
    "Industrial Electronic Repair" is not an authorized distributor or representative
    for the listed manufacturers or tradenames.

    Teijin Seiki Servo Drive
    Teijin Seiki

    NSK Servo Drive

    Etasis Power Supply

    Vickers Servo Drive Repair

    Nikki Denso Servo Drive Repair

    Board Repair

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